Three business culture changes in a post-COVID world

1. Staff morale

With uncertainty about the future, a fear of our own and our loved ones’ safety, lack of contact and a transformation of our daily activity, our lives have literally been turned upside down.

The return to the, ‘new norm’ will create a sense of being unanchored. There will be a need through activities and coaching to build confidence and rekindle the organisational culture.

2. The need for multi-functional responsibilities 

Redundancies are inevitable in the hospitality industry, leaving a reduction in staff levels and possible skill shortage. There will be a need for learning and development programmes to support team members who are either doing a dual role or have taken on new responsibilities for which they have a lack of skill, knowledge or experience. 

3. Leadership during a crisis and recovery

Whether an organisation thrives or falters is often down to the strength of leadership.

During a crisis and the recovery period which follows, a leader is challenged to adopt different styles which may not come naturally but are crucial to survive. There will be a significant need for the head of the organisation to gain skills to be able to lead through this period, as well as significant peer to peer support throughout the management team.

 This advice was supplied by Bright Yellow


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