How Best to Prepare for a Video Interview?


When you prepare for a video job interview in which your skills will be assessed on how you could better demonstrate certain approaches or skills to the employers who will be evaluating you. Ask yourself - do they have to talk to you? No. But you want to know why they are interviewing you, what your background is, what your goals are, and why they're choosing to interview you.

When you are interviewing, watch for subtle clues such as:

  • How they use direct questions in introductions

  • How they frame the questions in their answers

  • How they use words that describe emotions, such as anxiety or excitement.

This gives you an idea about the company, the role, or the business position you'll be interviewing for. Your video job interview should be tailored to your interests, needs, and capabilities, as well as your CV, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, and other professional credentials (If required).

One of the biggest mistake’s candidates make on video job interviews and job application submissions is to list and discuss skills and experience on the interview that are completely irrelevant to employers. Don't be the person who says, "Oh, I'm an avid reader, therefore I'd be great at writing! I'd be great at marketing! I'm pretty sure I'm a good fit for a production company!"


That's what we hear often enough at our real-life video interviews. The only real reason to mention something in your video interview is because it is relevant - so you can find a way to get that dream job in hospitality, tourism or leisure.

If you talk about and prove why you should be offered the job on the video call, you will be better prepared. Don't wait until the job interview to go through your pitch. Your video job interview should be about you. As a candidate, give as much information as possible about yourself on camera, your past, and your aspirations so that your interviewers are able to understand what kind of person you are and what makes you tick. Learn the interviewer's "targets," how he or she values different types of hospitality, leisure and tourism skillsets, and understand how his or her goals match with yours and your aspirations in the industry.

Finally, just be yourself on camera, and know your "target" or particular area of expertise The first place that a job interviewer will check during a job interview is the candidate's "expert" area of expertise. You know exactly what this means: this is where you excel in your field within tourism, hospitality or leisure. What's more, you know better than anyone exactly what areas are relevant for you in this particular job, so relax and enjoy that video interview. Good luck!

XpressJobs currently have over 100,000 LIVE available across several industry sectors in the UK, so if you are considering looking then grab that dream new job today!

This advice was supplied by Xpress Jobs.


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