All the information you need about doing a hospitality degree at university

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A quick note to current graduates:

Congratulations to all hospitality, leisure and tourism graduates of 2020! Xpressjobs usually offer a variety of hospitality, leisure and tourism graduate jobs which can be found here. However, we know that due to COVID-19 there is sadly not a huge number of graduate roles available within our industry. We hope that this will change in the near future as things begin moving back to normality, however, in the meantime, you may want to visit our temporary and interim sector for temporary work opportunities while COVID-19 is still an ongoing issue. 

I'm thinking of doing hospitality at university, what do I need to know? Our advice for undergraduates!

In order to attend a University Degree or Master's Programme in the hospitality, tourism and leisure industry, most universities have entry requirements that you will obtain from you high school exams or from an access course at college. To find out about the qualifications you need and the programmes in the hospitality, tourism and leisure industry which would suit you, contact one of your local universities or colleges directly.

Most universities' graduate studies (available on their websites) showcase an interesting overview of the hospitality, tourism and leisure sector in your city or region in the UK.

To go about finding out more, as well as to get started in exploring the opportunity to study hospitality and tourism in your chosen university, you may find it useful to learn more about the universities within our your area of expertise.

If you would like further information on the university which is directly in question, most UK. universities offer open days for you to go and experience the campus.

Many hospitality degrees also include a variety of placements giving you a solid foundation of training on how to create, develop and run hotels, restaurants, or other visitor attractions. University Qualifications (UQ) usually provide guidance on the delivery of hospitality training within these specialities and can provide valuable insight on the day to day working challenges within the hospitality, tourism and leisure industry.

Qualifications or certificates in: Travel and Tourism, Digital Media, Digital Humanities, and Business are not uncommon learning courses and will stand you in good stead to land that dream job in the sector. University qualifications offer vocational training to achieve the qualifications you need.

The  UK job market is robust and one of the most competitive in the EU. Because of the web of international employment agencies, many companies would not recruit directly but would rather the applicants would register with a big company or spend a year in one location before being hired locally or directly after leaving university with a leisure sector degree. This is the situation for many graduates.

This advice was supplied by Xpress Recruitment


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